Saturday 15 October 2016

39,000 WORDS and counting..

How hard is it to get to 50,000 words? Sooo dam hard sometimes it takes all you've got and then some..have you ever wondered why you can't get more than 300 words on the page each time you write.. this happens to me constantly, I think I have a good run on words and I get to the end of a block and find I'm around the 300 mark again, and again..
I surprised myself while away recently traveling to Newcastle by car to see my new grandson and somehow manged to get over 3000 down, partly, thanks to my husband and son who took it in turns to drive and partly because I made myself cosy in the back seat with pillows and coffee and snacks and just wrote, and wrote some more. And then the brilliant thing is that making a choice to travel home by train instead of flying means I did the same again astonishingly getting past the 6000 word count in less than one week.. so now i just need to plan another trip away.. where I'm strapped in my seat with plenty of snacks and coffee and you never know I might get the dam book finished sometime this year..or not..

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